Covid 19 Notice

To our valued patients,
We are excited to let you know that our office is open for patient care from Mondays to Friday. We have temporarily closed our Saturdays but don’t worry, they will be back soon! This has certainly been a challenging time for us all. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding throughout these challenging times.
While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same – our commitment to your health and safety.
Instructions for Future Appointments:
Masks are mandatory to enter the clinic for patients 12+ years and older. If you arrive without a mask, we will provide one to you.
We appreciate you letting us know your vaccination status however at this time, it is not required. ????
Keeping Our Patients and Team Members Safe
Infection control remains as always, our top priority. We have implemented new procedure protocols and purchased new equipment to meet & exceed the guidelines set out by the BC Ministry of Health and the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia. In the dental profession we have always followed strict hygiene and sterilization practices as a matter of everyday protocol. Our team is fully trained and will continue to implement these additional measures for your safety.
***IMPORTANT*** What to expect at SDG
Our patients will play a very important role in maintaining a safe environment in the office. We have created a detailed list of new guidelines for you to follow when you come in for appointments, for example:
– Prior to entering the clinic, you will be asked some screening questions
– Your temperature will be taken with a contactless thermometer
– You will be asked to use hand sanitizer when you arrive.
– We have directional flow indicators for safer patient movement through the clinic
– We ask you to bring a mask to wear when inside the clinic (we will provide you with one if you do not)
– We ask that patients come alone unless they need to be accompanied
– You may notice that we have removed the magazines and children’s toys, as these items are difficult to disinfect
You may be asked to adjust your appointment times more frequently. We dislike doing this as we absolutely value all our patient’s time and schedule. However, if someone is sick or have any cold/flu like symptoms- we will need to rebook their appointment. If this is the case, you may be contacted and offered a different appointment time.
This allows us maximize our schedule to help provide more patient care to waiting patients. We appreciate your understanding.
All patients and team members are asked to maintain respectful distancing in waiting areas and in the clinical area.
As always, if you have a dental emergency, please call the office at 250-477-7321 to receive instructions on how to receive assistance from a doctor.
Thank you so much for your patience as we roll out these important new measures. We know that your oral health is an integral part of your overall health. During these times staying healthy is on everyone’s mind and, by working together, we can ensure that you and your family achieve and maintain optimal oral health.
We look forward to seeing you!
Dr. Sean Compton, Dr. Alina Toaxen, Dr. Sukan Nip
& the Entire SDG team
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